EU EcoLabel

Safe for our users and for the environment. We are the proud carrier of the EU Ecolabel for sustainable production.

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The EU EcoLabel makes green decisions easier.

To be eligible for the EU EcoLabel, products must meet strict criteria. These environmental criteria have been drawn up by a group of experts. Here they take the entire life cycle into account, from the extraction of raw materials to production, packaging, transport, usage and waste. Each stage of an EU EcoLabel product is monitored to determine if environmental impacts occur. These standards protect the entire life cycle and guarantees sustainability.

The greatest environmental impact typically occurs when products are used. Here, chemicals come into contact with people, and are released into the environment via wastewater and the discarding of packaging. The EU EcoLabel minimises the use of hazardous substances, such as substances that can be harmful to the aquatic environment. Ingredients in the products are also biodegradable, so they are less harmful if they end up in the sewer. Packaging is also reduced as much as possible.

The label has been awarded to thousands of different products across Europe, including soap and shampoo, baby clothes, paint, electrical appliances. The usability criteria guarantee the efficient performance of the product. This way you can be sure that your paint is effective and more environmentally friendly. This also meants our paint is approved for use on Children's toys and furniture.